Career Coaching Certification - Training and Development Module
Level-Up anytime 2024 - Internship Positions available: 15 Individuals for the Level-Up program Willing to accept take University or College Projects. Be involved in the development of a new type of Career Coaching Certification. This involves Research and Development of a competitive program to select best practices and unique positioning to develop full courses and or modules. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). You will develop piece of an exciting new Career Transition approach that is new to the marketplace. You will learn about the 140,000 plus person coaching industry in North America . You will help create a multifacted Coaching Program that will help move the industry forward especially with the layoffs happening now. Each module of the coaching program will help transform tens of thousands of peoples lives and career for the future.

Social Media Marketing Strategy to Roll-out April and May 2023
Level-Up individual students required: (5 students) Starting April and May timeframe 2023 Our team is looking for a social media marketing wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include: We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve: We are one of the top ranked Boutique Outplacement Career transition firm and the First Career Marketing Coaching firm for North Americans attempting to succeed further by overcoming their current job-search, career selection/change or career progression obstacles. We want to be the top ranked b2b and b2c career transition marketing agency for those needing help with the jobsearch strategies and tactices, resumes, Portfolio, Interview Prep or starting a business. This is a great project for students to improve their social Media or Digital marketing expertise to future employers. You will learn GPT AI writing tools .

Training and Development Course Development 2024
Internship Positions available: 4 to 8 students starting with CareerNiche 2024. The Following are general qualifications and duties: We want students or interns to scope out through ideation, conceptualization and then actual execution of training plans for career transition courses. Create videos, create quizzes and gamification and PowerPoint using our LMS. You can choose to work in a small team of 2 to 4 other students or on your own doing course research. Do Marketing Research questions for B2C customers and small business owners. Perform research with our affiliate Joint Venture Business Partners and the interest in topics. You can create content for PowerPoints for live Zoom training as well and the Digital Courses online. Creation of class handouts including pre-class session prep questions' handouts, class pdf slides with notes area, post class HW workbook and or manual.

Digital Marketing Plan 2023
Interns - 6 individuals or teams of 2 to 4 students. Courses - 4 Teams to work on this project Project starts on 2023 on Monday March 13th week Reviewing the website, SEO planning, SM integration, and backlinks and content marketing strategies to gain further SEO Traction and digital marketing lead gen and sales funnel conversions using landing pages and more.

Online Membership Site Development 2023
Group Project = 2 Teams for Membership sites in Wishlist Member for WordPress, or other platforms like Tribe, Peerboard, SubHub, Brilliant Directories or other Web 3 platforms. Internship - 4 individual students for September 2022 CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR Career Transition boutique marketing firm that assists with Employee branding, career outplacement and employee coaching and training is looking to design new programs and courses to help them with career job seeking, career transition, for both B2B and B2C, employee coaching and employee career development plans. We have various membership software and are looking to connect this to some of our course LMS Platforms and more.. We would like to do more course development and looking for help from HR students and media students on this. We are open to new ideas as we must be scalable .

PR Publicity Plan 2023
Internships - 4 individuals or teams of 2 if you would prefer. Student Group Projects - 4 teams of 3 to 5 students We are a boutique career transition firm looking to engage professionals that are Sales, Marketing,PR and MEDIA Communications focused students that like to compete and win or continuously improve - each of those personalities will excel in this role but in different ways. We need to reach out to reporters and journalist with our new programs and ideas for the marketplace. We are setting up a strategy for reaching out to HR Leaders across North America to help them understanding our Unique Brand and how we can help them with Downsizing and Culture Change Management. We have various resources to assist your learning, plans and production.

Marketing Plan - Marketing Mix 2023
nterns - 8 individuals or teams of 2 to 4 students. Courses - 4 Teams to work on this project Our Career Transition Service Firm has the following P's of the Marketing Mix we would like considered for our B2B and b2c offerings: People Because most services are provided by the people and experienced by the people (career coaches, trainers, writers etc..) by their motivation and behavioral characteristics, they make a huge difference in customer satisfaction. Previous students and Prospective students themselves affect the decision of selection of a Career Transition firm for b2c offerings. B2B is a corporate level decision. Product = Processes The procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities . (Ivy, 2007) believed that services are often realized in many steps, mixture of such a number of steps constitutes the service process. Process includes flow of activities like; Teaching/Coaching Methodsetc. Pricing Outplacement prices for b2b are often based on brand equity of the firm.

Business Software Analysis Selection and Rollout for February 2023
We are recruiting 10 Level-Up students that want to be involved in learning one of our cutting edge types of software related to one of the following areas : AI Writing and AI Video Tools, T&D, Collaboration and Communications, Productivity, Human Resources, Sales and Marketing, Digital Marketing and more. Interest in School teams as well. Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below: STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform needs analysis and shortlist for one Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth. We have more than 50 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2023 to 2025 years. This includes many new AI (Artificial Intelligence) featured software for greater productivity, that can help your career. STAGE 2: You will select one platform to focus on and create a training plan for it with our assistance and tools and then prepare our coaches and future interns to onboard them with the software packages.

Business Software Analysis Selection and Rollout for Winter and Spring 2023
We are recruiting 10 Level-Up students that want to be involved in learning one of our cutting edge types of software related to one of the following areas :T&D, Collaboration and Communications, Productivity, Human Resources, Sales and Marketing, Digital Marketing of all sorts, Website Development and Membership site software and more. Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below: STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform needs analysis and shortlist for one Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth. We have more than 50 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2023 to 2025 years. This includes many new AI (Artificial Intelligence) featured software for greater productivity, that can help your career. STAGE 2: You will select one platform to focus on and create a training plan for it with our assistance and tools and then prepare our coaches and future interns to onboard them with the software packages.

Online Membership Site Development September 2022
Group Project = 2 Teams for Membership sites in Wishlist Member for WordPress, or other platforms like Tribe, Peerboard, SubHub, Brilliant Directories or other Web 3 platforms. Internship - 4 individual students for September 2022 CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR Career Transition boutique marketing firm that assists with Employee branding, career outplacement and employee coaching and training is looking to design new programs and courses to help them with career job seeking, career transition, for both B2B and B2C, employee coaching and employee career development plans. We have various membership software and are looking to connect this to some of our course LMS Platforms and more.. We would like to do more course development and looking for help from HR students and media students on this. We are open to new ideas as we must be scalable .

Social Media Marketing Strategy to Roll-out
Level-Up individual students required: (10 students) Starting February / March 2023 Our team is looking for a social media marketing wizard who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include: We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy to achieve: We want to be the top ranked Boutique Outplacement and Career Marketing and Career transition firm in Ontario first and next Canada for onsite and virtual outplacement services b2b. We want to be the top ranked b2c career transition marketing agency for job seekers and those career pivoting or doing a career changes, or needing help with the jobsearch, resumes, cover letter, Portfolio, Interview Prep or starting a business. This is a great project for students to improve their social Media or Digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.

Business Software Analysis, Selection and Roll-out
Starting as of November 2022 , we need Level-Up students that want to be involved in learning one of our cutting edge types of software related to one of the following areas :T&D, Collaboration and Communications, Productivity, Human Resources, Sales and Marketing, Digital Marketing of all sorts, Website Development and Membership site software and more. Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below: STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform needs analysis and shortlist for one Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth. We have more than 350 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2022 to 2024 years. STAGE 2: You will select one platform to focus on and create a training plan for it with our assistance and tools and then prepare our coaches and future interns to onboard them with the software packages.

Business Software Analysis, Selection and Roll-out July 2022
Starting as of July 18 th 2022 week, we are looking for: This is eligible for the Riipen LEVEL-UP Program and we need 10 student for 80 hours each. Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below: STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform shortlist analysis of a Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth. SaaS software including new AI writing tools, RPA Robotic Process Automation, CRM systems / Community platforms/ LMS / Content marketing/SEO and more. We have more than 350 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2022 to 2023 year. STAGE 2: Perform Business Needs Analysis for the Challenges in our B2b corporate services and B2C Consumer divisions as to what are the best tools to launch. Present the shortlist and use cases and Feature Advantage and Benefits for the use case. This will go into a Video, Written report , PowerPoint and may require training videos be created with staff.

Strategic Sales Prospects and Economic Analysis
10 students to work on this program preferred. The focus for each team will be a different vertical industry and sector approach. Some will be Automotive Parts, others will be Financial Industry banks and financial firms. We need assistance developing an outreach process for our B2B Corporate Outplacement Sales Division. The project may include, but is not limited to: Identifying new potential accounts.Compiling relevant market information to explore the following: 1. Manufacturers moving plants overseas (offshoring) to cheaper labor nations likeChina 2. Industries likely to experience disruptive forces / disintermediation from new players like uber or Airbnb or Auto sector disrupted by Tesla's EVs. 3. Restructuring due to other Market downturns due to black swan events like Covid-19 or other variants and viruses. 4. Analyses Competitive SWOT blindspots trends for companies that have not stayed competitive. 5. Industry Sector analysis and list building of prime corporate prospects.

Personal Branding Certification Development Spring Summer 2022
Level-up Internship Positions available: 8 Individuals working remotely. Looking for students to start November/December 2022 Be involved in the development of a new type of Personal Branding Certification. This involves Research and Development of competitive program to select best practices and unique positioning to develop full courses and or modules. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). We are preparing to launch our own certifications for independent Solopreneurs and Corporate HR Department Licensing and Certification of HR Specialists. This won't be the same old ICF model there are new ways and new approaches we will implement.

Career Coaching Certification - Training and Development Module
Level-Up anytime 2024 - Internship Positions available: 15 Individuals for the Level-Up program Willing to accept take University or College Projects. Be involved in the development of a new type of Career Coaching Certification. This involves Research and Development of a competitive program to select best practices and unique positioning to develop full courses and or modules. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). You will develop piece of an exciting new Career Transition approach that is new to the marketplace. You will learn about the 140,000 plus person coaching industry in North America . You will help create a multifacted Coaching Program that will help move the industry forward especially with the layoffs happening now. Each module of the coaching program will help transform tens of thousands of peoples lives and career for the future.

Training and Development Course Development 2023
Internship Positions available: 6 students starting with CareerNiche 2023 running until Spring and Summer for 80 hours on the Level-Up Riipen program. The Following are general qualifications and duties: We want students or interns to scope out through ideation, conceptualization and then actual execution of training plans for career transition courses. Create videos, create quizzes and gamification and PowerPoint using our LMS. You can choose to work in a small team of 2 to 4 other students or on your own doing course research. Do Marketing Research questions for B2C customers and small business owners. Perform research with our affiliate Joint Venture Business Partners and the interest in topics. You can create content for PowerPoints for live Zoom training as well and the Digital Courses online. Creation of class handouts including pre-class session prep questions' handouts, class pdf slides with notes area, post class HW workbook and or manual.

Cryptocurrency, NFT, Defi Analysis for Corporate Impact and Roll-out
We are looking for an impact study and execution a plan for us to integrate Cryptocurrencies into our services going forward. Below are the 7 key areas to research for this Commercial Cryptocurrency industry impact study. 1. We want to review current case studies of companies already successfully integrating cryptocurrency and blockchain. like Mark Cuban's Dallas Mavericks organization that accepts crypto and has crypto ATMs at the Dallas Mavericks basketball games for merchandise. Are they successful at integrating and what are the ROI considerations. 2. The next element is understanding Staking and Mining methodologies that potentially our company should consider as well as Investments in Bitcoin, as was done by Michale Saylor of Microstrategy. This can include legal, regulatory and tax considerations. 3. Should the company consider creating its own Cryptocurrency or NFT's for our company offerings. 4. Reviewing Crypto for gaming purchases and gamification for our company to be cutting edge in training customers in a fun way. 5. Reviewing Crypto various future drivers and acceptance of Cryptocurrencies globally and the risks and opportunities entailed. Thus, we are requiring a PESTEL or STEEPV strategic foresight analysis report. 6. Reviewing the short lists of safest and lowest risk cryptocurrencies and systems to accept payments from consumers and businesses i n order to integrate our services with Crypto. to accept globally including Bitcoin, and Ethereum and other layer 1's like Solana, Avalanche, Ada and cross border payment systems like Ripple's XRP and Ripplenet , or Stellar's company's peer to peer connection and their Moneygram alliance. 7. We want to analyze the use case for helping people find jobs in the crypto industry. What is the job market potential in the cyrptocurreny space. It is growing rapidly but is there adequate cryptocurrency industry players in North America to find jobs in N.A.

Business Analysis of Software Applications July 2022
Starting as of July 14 th 2022 week, we are looking for: This is eligible for the Riipen LEVEL-UP Program starting this June 2022 and we need 15 student for 80 hours each. Perform a Business and or Software Analyst process in the following steps below: STAGE 1 Review and create a SaaS platform shortlist analysis of a Software Category to research our shortlisted software in depth. SaaS software including new AI writing tools, RPA Robotic Process Automation, CRM systems / Community platforms/ LMS / Content marketing/SEO and more. We have more than 350 software platforms, apps and tools we are rolling out this 2022 to 2023 year. STAGE 2: Perform Business Needs Analysis for the Challenges in our B2b corporate services and B2C Consumer divisions as to what are the best tools to launch. Present the shortlist and use cases and Feature Advantage and Benefits for the use case. This will go into a Video, Written report , PowerPoint and may require training videos be created with staff.

Information Technology Consultancy - General Information Technology
We are looking to have students identify and evaluate new software applications and technologies to meet user and/or organization needs. We are looking to introduce a range of new efficiency focused SAAS software including new CRM systems / new hosting platforms for our website / content marketing software / content scheduling software. Some of our requirements for this software are selecting which of our over 50 software platforms to build our future sales and marketing department on so more an analysis of our software app , tools and platforms to roll out . .... Suggested applications should be compared based on features, pricing, security and reliability. In addition, developing prototypes of custom software and systems for review and ideal implementation would be an asset.

Small Business Training and Development Courses
CareerNiche is the Pioneer in the new brand category of Career and Small Business Transition Marketing. We perform in the b2b and b2c Career Transition space for those leaving coroporate jobs and starting and growing businesses. On the consumer business side, we are there for the lifelong career journey, helping driven, career - focused individuals who want to turbocharge their career success through proper personal branding and self-marketing for career, life and work advancements and transiton. We are there for client's entire career life cycle. CareerNiche recognizes the blurred lines between employees toggling between freelancers or contract gigs. We help our clients gain a real advantage. PROJECT SCOPE Internship Positions available: 4 students starting with CareerNiche February 7th 2022 running until March 30th 2022 for 80 hours on the Level-Up Riipen program. Course Research and Development to develop full courses and or modules - mostly nontechnical elements. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). We want to assist in your career development to help support your future success in the Human Resources field or Training and Development specialties. these courses will help our corporate and individual clients with career job seeking, career transition, career change, career selection to find their dream jobs, career pivots and more. The Following are general qualifications and duties: We want students interns to scope out through ideation, conceptualization and then actual execution of training plans for small business courses. These are RAPID course designs that can be achieved within 1 to 2 months which includes selecting videos, creating quizzes , gamification, governmental supplemental resources, and various software tools and course distribution avenues like putting them on Udemy.com etc.. You can choose to work in a small team of 2 to 4 other students or on your own doing course research with our "subject matter experts" (SMEs) and learning architect and managers to create new courses for new services we are introducing. Do Marketing Research questions with small business owners using 1 on 1 or Focus Groups on Zoom with the help of one of our team leaders - marketing research with our 9 to 10 question process. Considering engagement concepts for employees. You can create content for PowerPoints for live Zoom training as well as the Digital Courses online. All project depth of involvement will depend on the hours per week you are involved with us ,. We will try to direct you to the available internal Training and Development projects tools that pique your interest. Creation of class handouts including pre-class session prep questions' handouts, class pdf slides with notes area, post class HW workbook and or manual. Core Project Focus: Project Theme - We will need a Small Business Branding and Personal Branding Program Certification Course to be developed for Solopreneurs and SMB's such as coaches, consultants, trainers, and self-employed professionals of all sorts, that will be part of our program and network launching or deciding to grow their business into their main income or to create a greater impact. They will learn about brand building and marketing methods with Social Media platforms, various digital marketing campaigns that are commonly employed for brand building.

Market Expansion Research
We are ready to take our business to the next level. Presently we only exist in one market but it’s time to grow! Our company requires some assistance is assessing our customer landscape outside of our current territory within Canada and Michigan USA. We want to learn more about customer’s expectations and behaviours in suggested new regions. It is important for us to stay up to date on industry standards to ensure that we research new locations fully and completely before choosing to enter. We have some ideas of where we would like to go but we need to make sure that we consider all available options before making a decision. Our specific need is an outline of our industry’s expansion opportunities through a location analysis. This report should include an optimal location recommendation list. To consider: which markets align with our current one? Where are there buyers that we have yet to reach? What are the pros and cons to expanding our operations? What potential competitors exist in new locations? What legal protocol will need to be considered? We would like this to be partnered with some primary data collection; surveys and research into our present and future consumer to gather insights into buying behaviours and expansion expectations. These should supplement the location recommendations.

Personal Branding Certification Development
Looking for Students to start sometime in Spring or Summer of 2022. Student Group Positions available: group projects for 2 teams of 2 to 5 students Internship Positions available: 6 Individuals and or 2 Small teams of 2 to 4 students or individuals working remotely Be involved in the development of a new type of Personal Branding Certification. This involves Research and Development of competitive program to select best practices and unique positioning to develop full courses and or modules. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). We are preparing to launch our own certifications for independent Solopreneurs and Corporate HR Department Licensing and Certification of HR Specialists. This won't be the same old ICF model there are new ways and new approaches we will implement.

Marketing Plan - Marketing Mix
Interns - 8 individuals or teams of 2 to 4 students. Courses - 4 Teams to work on this project Project is valid for all groups from October/November/December 2022 onwards. Our Service Firm has the P's of the Marketing Mix : People Because most services are provided by the people and experienced by the people by their motivation and behavioral characteristics, they make a huge difference in customer satisfaction. Previous Teachers, Alumni, Current-Students, Parents, Siblings, Relatives, Management People and Prospective students themselves affect the decision of selection of a Career Transition firm. Processes The procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities . (Ivy, 2007) believed that services are often realized in many steps, mixture of such a number of steps constitutes the service process. Process includes flow of activities like; Teaching Learning Methods, Research Activities, Placements, Industry Interactions & Tie-Ups, Co & Extra-Curricular Activities, Alumni Interaction etc.

Myers-Briggs Hiring Analysis
1 Student Team of 3 to 5 students 1 Level-Up Intern In this project, we want you to help us gain a more holistic understanding of how personality testing can help our organization achieve our goals. We will provide you with anonymous employee Myers-Briggs data to analyze and determine how we can combine personality types to increase effective communication and team cohesion. Students could focus on: Assessing what personality combinations make for a high-functioning team. Analyzing how existing teams can work more cohesively, based on their personality types. Defining what type of personality profile would be ideal for a set of new hires.\ Helping our clients understand how to use MBTI for better hiring and better understanding for employee engagement Help our job seeker client understand their own personality unique SWOT using MBTI in terms of communications during the job search and more. We hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of how personality test can be used to improve our HR practices and gain recommendations for its implementation in our hiring process.

b2c Career Transition Services Marketing Plan
The strategy is for the b2c marketplace for nurturing brand awareness in various target audience segments related to professional development, career coaching, resumes, cover letters and personal portfolio development and more. We coach for career change and career advancement, job transition and career stage career managment plan. We prefer to get our company exposure on Social Media for b2b and B2C for our Career Transition service company for the Canadian market to start. We plan to extend our use of our coaching programs to tap into Joint Venture platforms to help people start their own coaching or consulting business if they have come through our b2b corporate outplacement division channel. We require Student Course Teams - 2 Teams any size Interns like Level-up - 4 students.

HR Assistant to President for our Career Transition Firm
Internship Positions available: 4 Individuals Starting Jan. 5th. 2023 Student Group Projects - 3 Teams any number of students. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing boutique premium service HR and Career Transition Marketing Agency that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). The Following are general qualifications and duties: We want student interns to scope out through ideation, conceptualization and then actual execution of HR training plans for career transition courses, workshops and live events. Perform development of the role out of our HR module for our CRM including a range of Communication and Collaboration tools and SOP's related to those platforms. Design using simple questionnaire app software a basic set up marketing questions from SME's to research customer Net Promoter Scores Help us put together a Policies and Procedures Guidebook for all Internships and Contract Staff.

PR Publicity Plan
Internships - 4 individuals or teams of 2 if you would prefer. Student Group Projects - 4 teams of 3 to 5 students We are a boutique career transition firm looking to engage professionals that are Sales, PR and MEDIA Communications focused students that like to compete and win or continuously improve - each of those personalities will excel in this role but in different ways. We need to reach out to reporters and journalist with our new programs and ideas for the marketplace. This process is really a sales process and needs someone with the attitude of liking to win. So sports oriented or gamers or competitive young professions that eventually want to work someday in sale and marketing will do well at this roll. 1 800 GOT JUNKs owner excelled by using this strategy gaining millions in free publicity, but he understood this is really a sales role and not primarily a writers job. So gain some useful experience as good sales and marketing professionals will never be out of work and will always be able to succeed in business throughout their life.

Career Coaching / Career Mentoring Certification Programs Development
Student Group Positions available: group projects for 4 teams of 2 to 5 students Internship Positions available: 6 Individuals and or 4 Small teams of 4 students or individuals working remotely Be involved in the development of a new type of Career Coach and Career Mentor Certification. This involves Research and Development of competitive program to select best practices and unique positioning to develop full courses and or modules. CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR boutique transition firm that assists with Employee training, and coaching (both one on one and group coaching on zoom and with career masterminds). We are preparing to launch our own certifications for independent Solopreneurs and Corporate HR Department Licensing and Certification of HR Specialists. This won't be the same old ICF model there are new ways and new approaches we will implement. We want to assist in your career development to help support your future success in the Human Resources field or Training and Development specialties. these courses will help our corporate and individual clients with career job seeking, career transition, career change, career selection to find their dream jobs, career pivots and more. The purpose of this program is to assist us in furthering our internal staff and external HR and Career Specialist Contractors to maintain our quality standards so that everyone follows best practices so every client receives the most up to date coaching, mentoring, training outcomes. This project recognizes the blurring lines of our clients corporate to coach pivots. It also recognizes the need for a new type of coaching and mentoring based on proven methodologies and better, more manageable process and systems to achieve career objectives and personal brand equity, awareness and loyalty. The Following are general qualifications and duties: We want students or interns to scope out through ideation, conceptualization and then actual execution of training plans for career coach and mentor transition courses. We completed the interview secrets course recently and it took several months for the course design and over 2 months to select videos, create quizzes and gamification and PowerPoints. You can choose to work in a small team of 2 to 3 other students or on your own doing business analysis with our "subject matter experts" (SMEs) and learning architect and managers. Do Marketing Research questions for B2C customers and Focus Groups on Zoom of preset potential prospects - marketing research with our 9 to 10 question process. Considering engagement concepts for employees. Do Research with our affiliate Joint Venture Business Partners that are part of our group to question them as to viability of new courses for our target audiences and if they will promote us to their list. Consider doing You can create content for the content for PowerPoints for live Zoom training as well and the Digital Courses online using HR and Career Transition best Practices for topic ranging from Job Search, to Career Selection to Mid-Career Career Change to Career Advancement and Promotions. You will learn the related LMS software fundamentals. All project depth of involvement will depend on the hours per week you are involved with us ,. We will try to direct you to the available internal Training and Development projects that pique your interest most if possible. Creation of class handouts including pre-class session prep questions' handouts, class pdf slides with notes area, post class HW workbook and or manual. Ideation, Conceptualization and Creation of Community Engagement Platforms from Facebook groups to various other software platforms to build an ongoing tribe. Helping us ideate, map out and roll-out a new LMS (Learning Management System) with accompanying Membership site elements for maximum engagement of clients. Build out of an ongoing CEU process for the certification as well as accompanying marketing support programs.

Website Development
PROJECT SCOPE Student Group Positions available: group projects for 2 teams of 2 to 4 students Internship Positions available: 2 Individuals and or 1 Small team of 1 student We would like a new website and or landing pages for our organization's different product (training program) streams. We have various web and landing/lead page platforms we would like for it to be built on. We would like to work with students to develop a new website for us and open to a thorough business analysis with our help. We need a website for our podcast using Secondline themes wordpress for podcast.co and bCast podcasting platforms similar to libsyn capitvate.fm and more. We have webstarts.com bookmark.com Brizy.cloud, it has a wordpress site development tool as well. Memberhip Sites - Wishlist members - a wordpress membership shite We have cloud based LMS systems and intranet systems We have course sites using Coassemble or Heights platform or NEW!!! -- Gurucan.com a mobile first Create stunning online courses, challenges, or memberships with the ability to customize a branded mobile app. Everything a successful digital business needs: online courses, live sessions, marketing pipelines, private label mobile apps & more Our goal will be to do work for executives, professionals, consultants and coaches that want to build their brands, so these websites have been purchased with this in mind. Potentially we will operate a digital media agency at some point to spin off, but for now CareerNiche is a marketing agency for career driven individuals in career transition. So we will need to partner with web designers and digital media experts for this and our future long term masterminds. Students should be prepared to: Conduct a needs analysis to determine which platform is most suitable from this group Create a design proposal including mock-ups, budget, and timelines. Build a fully-functioning website that integrates with other systems as well. Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.So we were hoping to use one of our new already owned website platforms. We are looking for a b2b site and or b2c sites to be developed.