Srikanth Desikachar
Educator - He / Him

Vern Raincock
December 24, 2024
Experience feedback
Integrated.Travel is comprised of a dozen volunteers with Passenger Rail experience in Europe and North America. We work with University Researchers and encourage them to develop their preferred study plan. We share the findings with Stakeholders and Government officials.
The team from Conestoga College identified opportunities that will be shared with future research teams in 2025

Design Thinking - Applied Research
Conestoga College

Feasibility Study for Calgary-Livingston Passenger and Parcel Rail Service
Integrated.Travel Research and Development

Rodrigue Fouafou
CEO and Founder
December 18, 2024
Experience feedback
The team delivered a great presentation overall. They demonstrated a clear understanding of the task we outlined, and we were impressed with how well they grasped the marketing research objectives for Wouessi. The members were highly interactive, engaging with the audience throughout, and effectively communicated their points.

Design Thinking - Applied Research
Conestoga College

Digital Marketing and Sales Strategy for Wouessi Inc.
Wouessi Inc.