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Career Development and Internship Integration
BADM 340
This experience is designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application by providing learners with career development coaching and practical work experience through internships. The experience will enhance their professional skills and employ-ability. By participating in this program, learners will be equipped to apply their knowledge to industry projects, reflecting on their personal and professional growth while aligning their career goals with practical experiences.
Technical Drafting and CAD (APSC 130), Engineering Design (APSC140)
APSC130, 140
If the industry company provides a good industry problem for student projects, students can work out some creative solutions within their capabilities (for APSC140). Design drawings or 3D models will be produced by students in APSC 130.
Service Learning Practicum
PSYC 430
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Capilano University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course will apply their knowledge and skills in psychology gained through their program of study in work-integrated learning settings with community organizations, under co-supervision of the course instructors and the volunteer or employer supervisor. In the weekly seminar, students will meet regularly to discuss their progress and will produce reports and presentations related to their work-integrated practicum experience.
Digital Marketing Strategy
BMKT 369
Do you have a Digital Marketing challenge you would like to tackle? In the course, student-consultants will develop a digital marketing plan and devise a strategy to drive more traffic, customer leads, and / or online sales. The students come with knowledge of all major aspects of digital marketing, including selling products and services online, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and executing pay per click advertising. They synthesize this understanding to apply digital marketing principles, techniques and tools towards developing more effective and complete marketing programs.
BMKT 261- Advertising
BMKT 261
3 months project - IMC campaign
Design and Implementation of a Performance Management System
BADM 329
Would you like to optimize your organization's performance? In the project, student teams will analyze, design, and implement an effective Performance Management system of an enterprise, preferably of a small and medium size. They will apply their understanding and knowledge in the application of methods to improve individual employee, as well as your organizational performance. In doing so, they will examine performance management systems and measurement that matches employee contributions with your organizational goals and strategies. Upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report and presentation. Our students will be in either their 3rd or 4th year of their undergraduate degree. Many of the students are also from our North America Business Management program and already have not only an undergraduate degree but also extensive professional work experience.
B2B Quality Management - Assessment and Consultancy
IBUS 358
A group of 3rd year University student-researchers will analyze the quality of your product(s) and/or service(s) provided by your company. The focus is on creating a quality management plan and to assess all operational practices being used and provide recommendations based on their findings. Essentially, the students will be conducting various quality management assessments using relevant tools, which will cover areas such as: quality policies, quality control and assurance, and quality improvement recommendations for your business.
Applied Project Management in Tourism
TOUR 435
Are you in the tourism industry? Do your organization have a project you need help tackling? In this course, students will apply theory, concepts, tools and skills learned throughout their Tourism Management degree to a team-based project for your organization. Students will diagnose a real life organizational problem, develop a set of alternative solutions, and make recommendations to you based on a clear rationale. They will then determine appropriate deliverables based on their recommendation to generate for you. The project may include deliverables for one or more functional areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or technology.
Human Resources Management
BADM 302
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on mature 3rd-year level students from Capilano University to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project or additional projects your company may have over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools. Students in this program/course will explore a basic, functional understanding of current human resources management concepts and applications in working in small to larger business projects. Special emphasis will be placed on the concept of human resources management being the responsibility of all management, not just the Human Resources Management department.
Advanced Readings in International Business
IBUS 440
Do you have a product or service you're looking to expand internationally? Would you like to gain a better understanding of the international market within which you operate? In this project, student-consultants working in small teams will analyze the current international business environment in your specific industry and the opportunities and challenges you face. Students will then apply their knowledge best practices of small and medium enterprises and multinationals in developed, emerging, and developing countries and common markets towards addressing your challenges and capitalizing on your opportunities. The students will develop a report and presentation for your organization upon completion of the project.
Applied Project Management in Tourism
TOUR 435
Are you in the tourism industry? Do your organization have a project you need help tackling? In this course, students will apply theory, concepts, tools and skills learned throughout their Tourism Management degree to a team-based project for your organization. Students will diagnose a real life organizational problem, develop a set of alternative solutions, and make recommendations to you based on a clear rationale. They will then determine appropriate deliverables based on their recommendation to generate for you. The project may include deliverables for one or more functional areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or technology.
Indigenous Entrepreneurship
BADM 469
The course provides Indigenous and non-Indigenous students with an in-depth understanding of Indigenous entrepreneurship. It focuses on how economic reconciliation is pursued through the creation and management of new ventures by and for Indigenous peoples that are responsive to the community, its values, traditions, culture, and socioeconomic needs. It explores how Indigenous peoples act on their inherent rights and assert sovereignty through social, cultural, spiritual, environmental and economic value creation activities as a means to design, develop and maintain Indigenous political, economic and social systems to promote community well-being while enabling members to engage in traditional, cultural and innovative economic activities. We are looking for companies that have been founded by and are still managed by members of the Indigenous community.
Change Management
BADM 466
Teams will identify an organization that has recently undergone change, create qualitative interview questions based on the Change Management and Transitions Models and interview the Change Manager. We are looking for companies that have undergone structural, procedural or process changes, and are wanting to understand the impact of those changes. Students are well versed in the Kotter Change Management Model, as well as other Change and Transitional Models.
Design and Implementation of a Performance Management System
BADM 329
Would you like to optimize your organization's performance? In the project, student teams will analyze, design, and implement an effective Performance Management system of an enterprise, preferably of a small and medium size. They will apply their understanding and knowledge in the application of methods to improve individual employee, as well as your organizational performance. In doing so, they will examine performance management systems and measurement that matches employee contributions with your organizational goals and strategies. Upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report and presentation. Our students will be in either their 3rd or 4th year of their undergraduate degree. Many of the students are also from our North America Business Management program and already have not only an undergraduate degree but also extensive professional work experience.
North American Business Practicum Winter 2022 Semester
Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from Capilano University to be your interns/co-op students, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one or more projects of your choosing over the internship period. This program provides international students with an opportunity to gain work experience that will enhance and complement their academic learning. Students are available for paid or unpaid opportunities within the industry, non-profit, organizations or government. Students are required to complete 450 hours of full-time placement between (January 2022 to April 2022) .
Applied Project Management in Tourism
TOUR 435
Are you in the tourism industry? Do your organization have a project you need help tackling? In this course, students will apply theory, concepts, tools and skills learned throughout their Tourism Management degree to a team-based project for your organization. Students will diagnose a real life organizational problem, develop a set of alternative solutions, and make recommendations to you based on a clear rationale. They will then determine appropriate deliverables based on their recommendation to generate for you. The project may include deliverables for one or more functional areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or technology.
B2B Quality Management - Assessment and Consultancy
IBUS 358
A group of 3rd year University student-researchers will analyze the quality of your product(s) and/or service(s) provided by your company. The focus is on creating a quality management plan and to assess all operational practices being used and provide recommendations based on their findings. Essentially, the students will be conducting various quality management assessments using relevant tools, which will cover areas such as: quality policies, quality control and assurance, and quality improvement recommendations for your business.
Financial Planning Consultancy W22
BFIN 486
This would apply to companies which deliver financial advice to individual clients or to their employees. This is an opportunity to mentor students as well as benefit from having teams of financial planning students analyse and research the best recommendations and alternatives to help your clients reach their goals. Let the students come up with creative recommendations and a professional financial plan to offer your clients.
Market Research
BMKT 360
Market research project, students will submit written proposal as well as presentation.
Business Policy & Strategy
NABU 470-65
Strategy and business policy development
Applied Project Management in Tourism
TOUR 435
Are you in the tourism industry? Do your organization have a project you need help tackling? In this course, students will apply theory, concepts, tools and skills learned throughout their Tourism Management degree to a team-based project for your organization. Students will diagnose a real life organizational problem, develop a set of alternative solutions, and make recommendations to you based on a clear rationale. They will then determine appropriate deliverables based on their recommendation to generate for you. The project may include deliverables for one or more functional areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or technology.
Digital Marketing Strategy
BMKT 369
Do you have a Digital Marketing challenge you would like to tackle? In the course, student-consultants will develop a digital marketing plan and devise a strategy to drive more traffic, customer leads, and / or online sales. The students come with knowledge of all major aspects of digital marketing, including selling products and services online, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and executing pay per click advertising. They synthesize this understanding to apply digital marketing principles, techniques and tools towards developing more effective and complete marketing programs.
Advanced Readings In International Business (Section 2)
IBUS 440
-- Students will have an opportunity to work with different companies in different industries and as mentioned above, creating value in the form of business plans, gathering specific data and generating research, marketing or innovation plans, assessing CSR programs, creating business surveys, deploying them and then analyze them for companies that have that need, etc -Companies will benefit by aligning their organizational needs with the academic goals of students in this class.
Advanced Readings in International Business
IBUS 440
Do you have a product or service you're looking to expand internationally? Would you like to gain a better understanding of the international market within which you operate? In this project, student-consultants working in small teams will analyze the current international business environment in your specific industry and the opportunities and challenges you face. Students will then apply their knowledge best practices of small and medium enterprises and multinationals in developed, emerging, and developing countries and common markets towards addressing your challenges and capitalizing on your opportunities. The students will develop a report and presentation for your organization upon completion of the project.
Shifting organizational culture
BADM 466
Organizational culture ranks high on why employers choose to stay with or leave an organization for the long term. It impacts employee engagement and productivity as well as your organization's reputation. Ensuring your organizational culture is aligned with your organizational vision and mission is key to your company's success. Utilizing the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), student teams will gather data to assess six key dimensions of your organizational culture as it exists today and what your team would like it to look like five years from now. Students will use this data, along with information gathered about your mission and vision from an interview with your leadership team, to make recommendations on some tactical approaches you can make to shift your organizational culture in the direction you'd like it to go.
Applied Project Management in Tourism
TOUR 435
Are you in the tourism industry? Do your organization have a project you need help tackling? In this course, students will apply theory, concepts, tools and skills learned throughout their Tourism Management degree to a team-based project for your organization. Students will diagnose a real life organizational problem, develop a set of alternative solutions, and make recommendations to you based on a clear rationale. They will then determine appropriate deliverables based on their recommendation to generate for you. The project may include deliverables for one or more functional areas such as strategic planning, finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or technology.
Fall 2021 Workplace Learning and Development
BADM 335
Students will apply experience in training principles and current educational technologies to design and create an interactive on-line learning session for your organization.
Fall 2021 Non-Profit Management and Social Enterprise
BADM 332
Undergraduate student-consultants will develop focused recommendations and a tactical plan for your local social venture in order to help you take advantage of an opportunity or overcome a challenge that you're facing.
Business Consulting Capstone (Fall 2021)
What business, marketing, organizational, or management improvements can you implement to help you achieve your business goals? In this capstone project, students will help you develop a solution for a business-related opportunity you may be facing. Beginning in September, teams of students will spend 11 weeks working with your organization to support you with achieving your key business objectives by developing a recommended plan of action.
Strategic Communications
CMNS 360
Based on your organizational goals, students will prepare a complex communications strategy for a business, not for profit, or government organization. Upon completion of the project, you will receive a detailed report. Students will only be preparing the strategy - they will not be executing on the strategy.