Biotechnology Market Research

Project scope
Healthcare Biotechnology Market research Market expansion Product or service launchSkills
slack (software) target market market potential global marketing market research research biology notetaking biotechnology supply chainWe want to better understand the global markets for 3D bioprinting, bioinks, and tissue models so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry. To do this, we want to conduct deep market research and analysis of recent trends.
The research will include:
- Target market research
- Industry size and market potential
- Competitive landscape
- Global supply chain research
An example of a market report you may read would be: 'Bioinks: The Living Foundation of Functional Bioprinting' published by BCC research.
We will provide you with recent globally recognized market reports to analyze involving these topics, and are open to you including any additional research you may find interesting! Depending on your familiarity with market research, biology, and reading speed, hours may vary to complete each market report. We will support you at your own pace and provide more resources as necessary. Although background knowledge in biology would be useful, it is not required to understand the reports.
Before starting this project we will give you a full overview of our company and the technology behind our products. We will review an older market report together and explore what details we are looking for you to highlight. Our team will be here to support you if you have any technical or business related questions. We are a remote-first team, using Slack to communicate.
After reading and analyzing the reports, we ask that you create a comprehensive summary that highlights your important findings. Please include figures, images, and statistics given in the market reports. It is important to cite your information, so we understand which market report it came from. Citations can be provided in your summary footnotes. This summary can be written using any program, and submitted as a PDF.
You will work directly with our business development manager and can arrange to meet as needed. You are also welcome to network with our team and seek advice or guidance from any member.
About the company
Our mission is to provide turn-key reagents, including bioinks, 3D tissue models, and consulting services in the field of 3D bioprinting to advance the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.